FARC-EP statement on the death of Comrade Alfonso Cano


The following statement was originally published by the International Business Times

Public Statement from The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.

We hear from the Colombian oligarchy and its generals the official announcement of the death of comrade and commander Alfonso Cano. Their guffaws and enthusiastic toasts still resound. All of the voices of the Establishment agree that this means the end of the guerrilla struggle in Colombia.

The only reality that symbolizes the death in combat of comrade Alfonso Cano, is the immortal strength of the Colombian people, who would rather die than live on their knees begging. The story of the struggles of this people is full of martyrs, women and men who never let their arm be twisted in the pursuit of equality and justice.

This will be neither the first time that the oppressed and exploited in Colombia are mourning one of its greatest leaders, nor the first they replace this mourning with the courage and absolute conviction of victory. Peace in Colombia will not be born from any guerrilla demobilization, but from the abolition of the causes that give rise to the uprising. There is a policy laid out and that is the one that shall continue.

Comrade and Commander Alfonso Cano has died. He has fallen most fervently convinced of the need for a political solution and for peace. Long live the memory of commander Alfonso Cano!

Original Text, in Spanish:

Declaración pública.

Escuchamos de la oligarquía colombiana y sus generales el anuncio oficial de la muerte del Camarada y Comandante Alfonso Cano. Resuenan aún sus alegres carcajadas y sus brindis de entusiasmo. Todas las voces del Establecimiento coinciden en que ello significa el final de la lucha guerrillera en Colombia.

La única realidad que simboliza la caída en combate del camarada Alfonso Cano, es la inmortal resistencia del pueblo colombiano, que prefiere morir antes que vivir de rodillas mendigando. La historia de las luchas de este pueblo está repleta de mártires, de mujeres y de hombres que jamás dieron su brazo a torcer en la búsqueda de la igualdad y la justicia.

No será esta la primera vez que los oprimidos y explotados de Colombia lloran a uno de sus grandes dirigentes. Ni tampoco la primera en que lo reemplazarán con el coraje y la convicción absoluta en la victoria. La paz en Colombia no nacerá de ninguna desmovilización guerrillera, sino de la abolición definitiva de las causas que dan nacimiento al alzamiento.Hay una politica trazada y esa es la que se continuará.

Ha muerto el Camarada y Comandante Alfonso Cano. ha caido el mas ferviente convencido de la necesidad de la solución política y la paz. ¡viva la memoria del comandante Alfonso Cano!

About B.J. Murphy

I'm a young socialist and Transhumanist activist within the East Coast region, who writes for the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET), India Future Society, and Serious Wonder. I'm also the Social Media Manager for Serious Wonder, an Advisory Board Member for the Lifeboat Foundation, and a Co-Editor for Fight Back! News.

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